
Horizon Europe, Source: Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe, the new research programme of the EU to focus on regions and cities

Horizon Europe, the new research programme of the EU to focus on regions and cities

The Committee of the Regions demands for closing the research and innovation gap between Member States and between regions

An important compromise concerning the next European budget period (2021-2027) has been reached between the European Parliament and the European Council on Horizon Europe (currently: Horizon 2020) last week. Apart from the open question of the total final budget, much of the agreement has already been confirmed, reports the Committee of the Regions. While both institutions insist on a funding increase to EUR 120 billion, the Commission supports the amount of EUR 94.6 billion, which is yet to be decided during the negotiations on the EU's next Multiannual Financial Framework.

Last October, the Committee of the Regions expressed the opinion that it was crucial to narrow the gap between member states and at regional level when it comes to research and innovation, which led to the agreement that 3.3 per cent of Horizon Europe's budget should support initiatives contributing to enhanced participation in fifteen members from Southern and Central/East Europe that are lagging behind in the sphere. What is more, it has been stressed out that funding must be provided to local and regional entities to build proper ecosystems for research and innovation progress and fight against the damages of brain drain by renewing local scientific potential.

More information about the programme is yet to be announced while the agreement reach is subject to approval by the Parliament in April, during the last plenary session before the election of new Members of the European Parliament.



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