

Linz remains committed to its sustainable development despite corona woes

Linz remains committed to its sustainable development despite corona woes

In spite of the severe financial difficulties brought about by the pandemic, Linz will continue investing more and more in the city’s economy and businesses

Back in June 2020, the Linz city government took stock of the effects of the corona pandemic on the local budget. It was decided that despite the massive slumps in the city's operating income, which is a burden on its finances, the local investment program to stimulate the economy and stabilize employment will be intensified and bolstered.

Now, parties in the City Council have agreed on the “Pact for Linz” investment package that will see the allocation of over 65 million euros to the local economy.

Recovery through investment

In order to strengthen the economy and secure jobs, the representatives of the four city government parties agreed in advance on the creation of an investment program that should include at least 50 million euros.

On the basis of expert suggestions and a fundamental impact analysis, a catalogue of measures was drawn up which, in addition to stimulating the economy, aims to make sustainable investments in infrastructure, leisure, education, the environment, sport and culture. The investment package was later expanded to a total of 65 million euros following talks and discussions with experts and representatives of different parties and businesses.

“This investment program has one main goal: the Linz economy must be stimulated. Despite the corona-related loss of income, it makes sense to invest now to stop the economic downward spiral. Together we fight for the jobs of the people of Linz,” explained the city’s Mayor Klaus Luger.

The now jointly developed investment package of the city aims on the one hand to step up the advancement of infrastructure projects that benefit young people, such as the expansion of schools and childcare facilities, and on the other hand to modernize senior citizens' centers and to increase the offers available to the elderly. A total of 35 million euros have been made available for these two key priorities.

Cultural workers in the city should also benefit from the Pact for Linz, both through cultural funding and structural measures for associations. Some 15 million euros for culture and sport as well as an additional 4 million euros for climate protection will be made available through the Pact.



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