
Lodz waste separation, Source: Lodz waste segregation containers. Photo by Paweł Łacheta /

Lodz launches waste segregation search engine

Lodz launches waste segregation search engine

Separate waste disposal has been mandatory in the Polish city for a month and a half now

In order to help residents and visitors of Lodz in segregating their waste, the Polish city has developed a particularly useful online tool. A special “internet search engine” available on the website of the municipality tells you which container to use for each type of individual waste, where to find it and how to dispose of waste properly.

Why a search engine for waste segregation

Disposing of waste separately is mandatory on the territory of the municipality of Lodz. It allows for a large part of the materials to be reused and recycled. However, the sorting process does not come along so easily, as there are several types of waste, some of which cannot be disposed of in the colour containers. Here is what Ewa Jasińska, director of the Lodz Department of Municipal Management, told the municipal portalon the occasion: “After a month and a half of obligatory waste segregation, Łódź's interest in selective waste collection is increasing. Five standard containers for different types of waste have been introduced in the city, but we receive a lot of queries regarding the placement of specific waste and hence the idea for a search engine that will help to dispel doubts”.

Currently, search can be filtered by 8 categories. 300 items of various types of garbage (pharmaceutical, bio, metals and plastics, paper, electronics, glass) are already available in the waste separation search engine accessible from the website of the City of Lodz. The Department of Municipal Management of the City of Łódź is currently monitoring the situation. The results are promising, as the municipal unit reports a significant increase in the amount of sorted waste. However, in many places it is necessary to increase the number of containers for segregation as well as to improve the collection schedule. Finally, although no sanctions have been imposed yet, penalties for not obliging to the mandatory segregation rules might be introduced soon, says the municipal website.



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