
cyprus landmark

Major historical landmarks in Cyprus to undergo renovations by end of 2020

Major historical landmarks in Cyprus to undergo renovations by end of 2020

Some 19 monuments will be renovated over the next couple of months

The Greek Cypriot head of the bicommunal technical committee for cultural heritage in Cyprus, Takis Hadjidemetriou, has announced that several major historic landmarks on the island will be renovated by the end of 2020. The project is part of the efforts of bicommunal groups to preserve their shared history and protect it for future generations.

Key to preserving the island’s spirit

Bicommunal projects are nothing new in Cyprus, making the best use of common relations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots who want to preserve and protect the island’s history. This latest initiative by the Bicommunal Technical Committee for Cultural Heritage will see the restoration of 19 monuments on the island that are of special importance to all citizens, regardless of their background.

Some of the most significant monuments and sites that will be renovated over the next couple of months are the Venetian walls of Nicosia that have been collapsing in recent years, the Archangel Michael church in Yialousa, the Ayios Sergios and Bacchus church near the Salamis archaeological site and the ancient ruins of Afentrika in Rizokarpaso.

The launch of this project is important not only in terms of preserving historical landmarks but also in sending a vital message -  that cooperation between the two communities is still possible, despite the present political circumstances. According to officials, by building on their shared history rather than emphasizing their differences the Greek and Turkish Cypriots can still accomplish much on the land they share.

Authorities and representatives believe that despite the difficulties and the tight timetable, they will still be able – if they work closely and efficiently, to wrap up the project by year’s end – reaching a significant milestone and accomplishing something that every Cypriot can be proud of.



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