

Manchester inaugurates new Youth Plan

Manchester inaugurates new Youth Plan

The city wants to help all of its young people reach their full potential

Earlier this week the Manchester City Council presented its brand-new three-year Youth Plan that aims to help local young people reach their full potential. Within the Plan, Manchester’s municipal authorities set out how they will be cooperating with local organisations and how they will be working together in order to ensure the best results for the city’s youth.

Ensuring a good future for all

Through the new Out Manchester Youth Strategy 2020-2023, the Manchester City Council wants to get all young people involved in actively securing their future. Local authorities will ensure the availability of a wide range of high-quality services and opportunities outside of school and college that would give local youth the chance to work on themselves and develop crucial and important skills necessary for their future. Officials believe that these programmes will help local youth in becoming well-developed, independent and successful adults. 

The new Strategy focuses on 5 key themes - thriving young people; highly skilled young people; progressive and resilient young people; living well, healthy and safe young people; and connected and heard young people. Work on all these areas has been carefully coordinated with youth representatives who have given their input and have communicated their priorities with the local government.

Councillor Luthfur Rahman, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, and Skills, Manchester City Council, stated that "Anyone who is a parent or has ever been around them knows that children and young people need support to find their way in life.  Our strategy will provide this by ensuring every child and young person has access to the kind of quality leisure time activities that will help improve their well-being, as well as aiding their personal and social development.

This is not about the grown-ups dictating to the kids and telling them what they need.  We know how important it is that we listen to young people and work in partnership with them to ensure we're meeting the needs they themselves identify, and for this reason, young people have been very closely involved with us in developing the new strategy.

We're determined to ensure all young people have access to the information they need to make informed lifestyle choices, and to make the right decisions in life that help them stay safe, healthy, happy, and also to be successful, and to play their part in helping shape the future of the city."



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