
Kids, Source: Pixabay

Metamorphosis project is transforming neighborhoods with a focus on children

Metamorphosis project is transforming neighborhoods with a focus on children

Children are considered as key actor to build sustainable cities and for this reason are directly involved in each phase of the project

The Metamorphosis project aims at transforming neighborhoods in more livable shared spaces.It reorganize neighbourhoods staring from the children's perspective. The project aims to achieve creative break through innovations in the development, design, governance and planning procedures of urban districts in seven European cities.

Such metamorphosis could be fulfilled through 7 action points:

  1. Transform car-oriented neighborhoods into children-friendly neighborhoods achieving behavioral change and increase in the quality of life
  2. Build the vision needed for such transformations
  3. Answer basic research questions related to neighborhood transformation
  4. Achieve creative breakthrough innovations - in development, in design, in governance and in planning procedures - for public spaces in neighborhoods and urban districts
  5. Through the above described mechanisms, develop and implement children friendly mobility solutions
  6. Evaluate take-up, involvement, process and impacts using innovative evaluation methodologies
  7. Develop and implement innovative transfer instruments to transfer Metamorphosis-innovations from city to city and country to country, also beyond the duration of the project

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and operates in seven European cities. The trial implementation cities that are included in the project are Graz, Meran, Tilburg, Southampton, Zurich, Munich and Alba-Iulia. Each of these European cities involves four different neighbourhoods varying in size, structure, density and diversity. The project further produced a catalogue of potential measures to support municipalities aiming at encouraging participatory neighbourhood transformation.




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