
The official opening of the Son Corcó Park, Source: Govern de les Illes Balears

New photovoltaic park in the Balearic Islands after 8-year lull

New photovoltaic park in the Balearic Islands after 8-year lull

The administration is making a definite bet on sustainability

This week, the newest photovoltaic park on the Balearic Islands started producing electricity and supplying the local grid with power. Called Son Corcó photovoltaic park, and located in Consell on the island of Majorca, this is the first such facility of its kind to be unveiled in 8 or so years (technically the park already started test operations last year in October).

For nearly a decade, the regional government had suspended subsidies for renewable energy production. However, with 300 million euros expected to come to the archipelago, as part of the European Recovery Fund, the administration would like to make the region self-sufficient in terms of electricity.

Only the first of 55 planned

The Balearic Islands already count with 39 such solar panel parks, most of which are located on the largest island of Majorca, with two in Menorca and one in Formentera. However, as the regional minister of Energy Transition Juan Pedro Yllanes affirmed there is about to be a huge leap in development and growth in that sector.

The current park, which has a capacity of 2.4 MW and occupies three hectares is only the first of 55 similar facilities which are planned to be installed on the archipelago.

“The implementation of this type of park contributes to the diversification and economic recovery of the Balearic Islands. I want to remind you that we are waiting for the arrival of more than 300 million euros of European aid that will allow us to multiply by ten the generation of energy from renewable sources, which will allow us to achieve at the end of the government term that 25% of the electricity produced in the Islands is from renewable sources,” assured the Energy Minister.

Furthermore, he explained that this large-scale development, to take place during the next two years, will help add 17,500 stable jobs to the regional labour market.



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