
error155, Source: Randy Colas on Unsplash

Poll: What measures motivate you to get involved in local politics?

Poll: What measures motivate you to get involved in local politics?

Tell us more about what mechanisms to engage citizens appeal to you the most

Changes are important for any organization and institution as they are synonymous with progress. We, from believe in constant movement forward, here is why in one of our latest polls we asked you what changes you would like to see on our portal. You were a majority to opt for more interactive functions and responsive design. Accordingly, as you have spoken, we delivered changes in terms of interface and usability. What is more, our team is happy to confirm that we have significantly elaborated the functions “Add City” and introduced an opportunity for visitors to share stories from their cities, by adding news themselves (Find how in the Get Involved section). Hopefully, it will stimulate you to become more active users of the platform and will result in increased interaction with the audience.

Following this line of thought, we would like to know what could enhance involvement in the local policies of your city or municipality. And let’s be honest, no administration is perfect, no matter how hard they try: they always need to be sobered by voters. So, in this week’s poll, we are asking you what opportunities for civic participation appeal the most to you and would motivate you to get involved in the political life of your municipality. Vote now to see the results.



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