
Dry February invites people to learn how alcohol consumption affects them

Prague is urging citizens to participate in Dry February

Prague is urging citizens to participate in Dry February

The campaign encourages people to give up alcohol for one month

On 21 January, the Czech City of Prague announced that it is supporting the Dry February awareness campaign for the tenth year. More specifically, it is urging citizens to give up alcohol for one month. In doing so, they will learn about how its consumption affects them. 

According to the municipality, the reason behind the Dry February campaign is the excessive alcohol consumption in the country. Commenting on this, Mayor of Prague Zdeněk Hřib shared:

“I was happy to support the Dry February awareness campaign this year. Alcohol consumption in the Czech Republic is not something we should be proud of. Dry February is, therefore, a great opportunity to test how much control we have over our alcohol consumption. Sometimes we forget that alcohol is also an addictive substance that can have very negative effects on the health and lives of others.”

Benefits of cutting down alcohol

On its website, the Dry February awareness campaign lists several benefits of reducing alcohol consumption. Some of these include getting better sleep, having more energy, losing weight, saving money, clearing your head, and feeling proud of yourself.

In 2021, 700,000 people from all over Czechia participated in the campaign, saying no to alcohol for four weeks. In the same year, a survey of 706 participants revealed that 53% of them reduced their consumption of alcohol 4 months after the campaign. In other words, Dry February’s impact lasted longer than one month.

The director of the non-profit organisation Dry February, Petr Freimann, invites people to participate in the campaign, explaining that registered participants will have access to newsletters and books, which will help them achieve their goals. Those who register will not only support the campaign but also the organisation's activities in the field of education and prevention. 

Although the campaign is launched under the auspices of Mayor Zdeněk Hrib, it is nationwide and supported by other regions, municipalities, companies, and the Police of the Czech Republic.

To take part in the campaign, register on Dry February’s website.



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