
The Innovation in Politics Awards 2021, Source: The Innovation in Politics Institute

Register now for The Innovation in Politics Awards 2021

Register now for The Innovation in Politics Awards 2021

You can participate by becoming a juror, nominating a project or submitting your own

The Innovation in Politics Institute has announced the fifth edition of The Innovation in Politics Awards. As the name suggests, the Awards recognise Europe’s most creative politicians and their most innovative initiatives.

According to the institute’s website, these initiatives are judged based on 3 European values: social balance, democracy, and human rights. The main aim of The Innovation in Politics Awards is to highlight innovative work and make it a source of inspiration for other politicians around the world.

To do so, a citizens’ jury of more than 1,000 Europeans must first assess the nominated and submitted projects to find the most ground-breaking initiatives. Then, the jury will select the finalists and winners in the Awards’ nine distinct categories:

  1. Community
  2. Democracy
  3. Digitalisation
  4. Ecology
  5. Economy
  6. Education
  7. Human rights
  8. Quality of life
  9. COVID-19 strategies

How can you participate?

There are three ways in which you can be a part of The Innovation in Politics Awards. You can either nominate a project you know about, submit your own political initiative, or become a part of the citizen’s jury and help decide which projects are most innovative.

To register and participate in the Awards, visit the institute’s website here and fill out the appropriate application.

Awards journey

Until 4 July, any politician serving in a Council of Europe member country can submit their project. Following this, the institute checks whether the projects fulfill the formal requirements. Then, the aforementioned citizens’ jury evaluates the applications based on three criteria: innovation, participation, and sustainability.

In September, the top 10-scoring projects in each of the Awards’ nine categories are chosen as the finalists. These finalists will then be invited to attend a conference and gala ceremony in December where the winners will be announced.

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