
Rzeszów , Source: Pixabay

Rzeszów - the first city in the world to take best practice from licensed Point-to-multipoint networks from the mobile industry and apply it to a municipal network

Rzeszów - the first city in the world to take best practice from licensed Point-to-multipoint networks from the mobile industry and apply it to a municipal network

The city’s unique network allows for all of these smart city services to be delivered over the same underlying physical infrastructure in the form of a small antenna at each location

The City of Rzeszów in Poland has created a blueprint for how mmWave can be leveraged to deliver. Together with the European Union and project partners, VSAT and CBNL, the city leveraged an agile PMP mmWave solution to allow for more efficient orchestration of its network resources and greater flexibility to deliver a range of services over a single, common physical network. By deploying a unified smart point-to-multipoint (PMP) mmWave network the city authority is now able provide services to local residents and government agencies, from broadband internet, to municipal security and traffic optimization via a citywide umbrella network.

The city’s unique network allows for all of these smart city services to be delivered over the same underlying physical infrastructure in the form of a small antenna at each location. All those individual services can be treated as though they were on separate, virtual, networks. The advantage here for smart city deployment is having a network able to carry all sorts of traffic, regardless of the communications protocol being used, so that seamless, integrated city-wide connectivity and communications is possible. The network architecture used in Rzeszów has created a blueprint for how mmWave can be leveraged to deliver 5G networks to cities across world. While Rzeszów is one of the first city’s leading the way with mmWave, it will certainly not be the last to adopt this approach.

Source: Smart Cities World



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