
The new central strip pattern in Amsterdam, Source: Amsterdam Municipality

This is how Amsterdam helps drivers adapt to new 30 km/h limits

This is how Amsterdam helps drivers adapt to new 30 km/h limits

The traffic authorities tap into some psychology hacks to train road users for the new reality

Speed limits on some Amsterdam roads were reduced from 50 to 30 km/h back in December 2023 but it seems that the adjustment to the slower traffic rhythm is proving itself to be rather slow. That’s why the city traffic authorities will be trying out some creative low-impact strategies that keep reminding drivers to stick to the new speed limit.

The officials announced that they will employ two different techniques. One involves the removal of existing centre and side road markings, while the other involves the painting of an unusual central strip indicating the speed limit.

Road markings that call attention

The first strategy has to do with removing the central lines and side lines of the roads by painting them over with black paint. This creates the feeling of a wider road but at the same time it also creates the feeling in the minds of drivers that they are sharing the road and thus they have to be more vigilant by slowing down.

Even more interesting is the plan to paint a new type of central strip (seen in the picture). Rather than the usual continuous or interrupted lines that drivers are used to seeing, the strip will feature a pattern of white blocks forming the number 30, which indicates the speed. The numbers are only properly visible from a driver’s point of view.

In addition, the new central strip pattern is wider, which makes the roadway appear narrower in each direction. That also makes the motorists slow down and pay more attention.

The work to readjust the road markings will cause little disruption to traffic, and authorities are pre-warning motorists that they may have to wait or take a detour. Where possible, the traffic department will carry out the work at night.



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