
Carmen Herrarte, Source: Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza

Up to date on commercial innovation in Zaragoza

Up to date on commercial innovation in Zaragoza

Recent developments were presented at the VIII Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Have you ever considered the importance of developing a coherent strategy for the commercial sector in a city? Just like other fields of contemporary life, this one also needs and produces innovations.

With that idea in mind, Carmen Herrarte, the Zaragoza Councillor of Economy and Innovation, presented what her city has been doing in that regard with a presentation at the VIII Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which took place in the Basque city of Vitoria-Gazteiz and was organized by AENKOMER, an association of the commercial and service businesses of Alava Province.

An example of authorities standing in defence of the business sector

Councillor Herrarte presented two projects (Microcréditos and the Volveremos app), which are a good example of how the local government is showing its commitment to reactivating the economic life in the city and supporting small enterprises. The first concerns financing and the second the accumulation of digital discount vouchers which seeks to encourage consumer loyalty and foster the traditions market relationships that have existed in the community.

Innovation is necessary for all walks of life. Especially now that COVID-19 has caused a deep crisis in various sectors of society. Thus, the forum has served to share the measures that city councils have put in place to try to reverse the situation.

Zaragoza, for example, has tripled the subsidy amount this year that goes towards digitization projects. Some of the initiatives that have been already carried out have been the digitalization of the individual stall sellers at the Central Market or the promotion of distribution logistics networks with zero emissions.

Along these lines, Councillor Herrarte considers it essential to know how other institutions and administrations have been working because "every time we will have to work together more because local commerce is strategic in all cities not only for the generation of employment and wealth, also because it is the safeguard of our cultural identity ".



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