
Oil containers, Source: © Vitoria-Gasteiz

Vitoria-Gasteiz launches vegetable oil collection service

Vitoria-Gasteiz launches vegetable oil collection service

The goal: to triple the recycling rate of the product

The municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz launches a new environmental-friendly service, namely – the collection of vegetable oil. The objective is to triple the quantities of oil recycled.  Yesterday the installation of 118 containers in each city area has begun - there citizens can deposit cooking oil instead of pouring it down the sink.

The new service was presented by Councillor for Territory and Action for Climate, Ana Oregi and the Councillor for Planning and Environmental Management, César Fernández de Landa. Ms Oregi underlined the objective of preventing the contamination of rivers, soil and fighting other types of afflictions to our ecosystem. The used cooking oil is considered to be one of the most aggressive pollutants of the environment. She explained that one litre of oil contaminates more than 1,000 litres of water.

At the moment the Green capital recycles 49 tons of vegetable oil per year, through the containers of the Garbigunes and the mobile green point. Soon there will be 118 specific containers for depositing used cooking oil, previously stored in tightly closed plastic bottles.

All containers will be accessible to people with physical disabilities through an opening 90 cm above the ground. To know the exact location, you can check the municipal website. In addition, an information and awareness campaign will be carried out in the following weeks.

The contract with Eko-Gasteiz is at zero cost for the Town Hall and the company is responsible for the integral management of both the collected oil and the containers. The agreement also includes the collection of oil in municipal buildings, Civic Centers with cooking workshops or with cafeterias, cafeterias in Sports Complexes, Nursing Homes and, of course, Garbigunes. At all these place there will be no container, rather a 25 litres bidon which is emptied on demand.

Learn more from Vitoria-Gasteiz.



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