
Alla Ricerca del Castello Bontà: la prima missione di tutti contro i bulli!, Source: Provincia di Bergamo

Destroy the coronavirus playing new anti-fear game for kids

Destroy the coronavirus playing new anti-fear game for kids

A new educational opportunity for children under 6 presented by the Province of Bergamo

As has already informed you, the Social Policies of the Province of Bergamo, in cooperation with many partners and with the economic support of the Provincial Network, have already created various tools to counteract the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying - through an ambitious project that has been able to invest in an important network that has allowed to enhance different skills in the municipality with the commitment to offer a serene childhood.

The Province of Bergamo now presents a new educational opportunity for the little ones. The creative idea is signed by Dr. Giovanna Fidone, Social Policy Officer of the Province of Bergamo and psychologist and the director and author Silvia Barbieri.

“In Search of Castle Goodness: everyone's first mission against bullies!" is a game of unstructured goose that takes its cue from the previous success story. By nature, the game is educational.

By playing, children learn more about the world, experience the value of the rules, and how to behave with others. Kids also learn how to manage their emotions, to discover new paths of autonomy, by experimenting with trial and error their beliefs about things and other people.

The game of the goose, like the previous games that made up a part of the project, represents a symbolic and allegorical reading, with the "dangers" that are symbols of the difficulties of life. The mission is to get to the castle of goodness: to be good you have to travel with others and for others.

A dice that anyone can assemble 

Roll the dice and learn the rules for defeating the virus

The dice is composed of the main characters of the tale "All against bullies!": The bolt king, the spiteful cat, the heart king, the rainbow, the army of friends, the rabbit. The basic idea is that of awareness at zero cost, but which is easily disclosed and inserted in an institutional context.

The adults accompany the use of the fairy tale and the game, leaving the children free to have fun learning. The game aims to teach the lesson that a lot can be done together. It takes commitment, courage and imagination.

The game and the paper dice can be downloaded from the website of the Province of Bergamo. There you can find and download the fairy tale, the video and the songs.



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