
Tours. Place Jean Jaurès, Source: Tours. Place Jean Jaurès. By Daniel Jolivet on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Tours distributes vouchers for 1,5 million euros to support local trade

Tours distributes vouchers for 1,5 million euros to support local trade

Citizens will receive 50 euros to spend locally once shops can reopen

As France is getting ready to exit its own lockdown after 11 May, someone has to make sure that the economic activity hampered by Covid-19 gradually returns to normal. For the city of Tours, this is the municipality, which announced a plan aiming to both stimulate local trade and improve the purchasing power of citizens.

30 000 vouchers to boost economic activity in Tours

After the reopening of some shops in May, citizens will receive 50-euro vouchers to be spent locally. The total amount to be distributed in the form of vouchers counts up to the staggering 1,5 million euros.

A municipal commission will determine which employers are to be given these vouchers to be distributed among the employees, explains France bleu. The commission will choose between hospital staff, charitable associations, security staff, nursing homes, municipal social action centre (CCAS), municipal services and people in precarious conditions.

The plan of Mayor Christophe Bouchet named “Etincelle” also previews other measures to “spark the local economic activity” such as the temporary cancellation of taxes for terraces and outdoor advertising and the suspension of tourist tax

France exiting lockdown after 11 May

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of France Edouard Philippe presented a detailed strategy to exiting the lockdown, justified by the declining number of hospitalised Covid-19 patients over the last two weeks and the impossibility to maintain the status-quo for too long. In his speech of 28 April Philippe explained that society will have to learn to live with the virus and to protect itself.

The French strategy, approved by the National Assembly, relies on testing, protecting and isolating. Therefore, France will start soon making available a great number of protective masks, will test extensively and provide the means to rapidly isolate those who were found positive for coronavirus.

The strategy also previews the gradual reopening of kindergartens and elementary schools after 11 May and some colleges after 18 May. Some shops will also reopen on 11 May, excluding cafés and restaurants.

Philippe hinted at the possibility for mayors and prefects to adapt the strategy to the needs of their communities, as not all regions of the country are equally affected by Covid-19.



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